Acupuncture is an alternative Chinese medicine consisting of the methodical placement of thin needles at specific points and depths on the body. Our acupuncture treatment is designed to alleviate pain and help treat various health conditions.
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Add-On
Facial acupuncture is a cosmetic acupuncture treatment geared toward aiding facial skin in maintaining its healthy and vibrant look. An extension of traditional Chinese medicine, cosmetic facial acupuncture can also prevent signs of aging from progressing, like fine lines and wrinkles, brightening your complexion, to acne.
In traditional acupuncture services, there are acupuncture points to hit to receive results. Facial acupuncture is no different. Acupuncture needles are applied to specific points on the face to improve skin and blood flow throughout the face.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation
Cosmetic facial acupuncture works to rejuvenate the skin, starting from the inside, working on the root cause of your skin concerns. Unlike injection procedures such as botox and fillers, this facial treatment addresses signs of aging as well as the natural healthy glow of your skin.
Dr. Lee offers facial acupuncture as an add-on to other acupuncture services to spread out the flow of energy: if needles are inserted only into the face, then clients can experience headaches and discomfort from energy congestion.
Facial acupuncture is best performed with a regular full-body acupuncture treatment.
In addition to her doctorates and certifications,
Dr. Lee has additional training in facial rejuvenation and renewal.
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Costs
Add on a cosmetic facial acupuncture for $40 to your acupuncture treatment.
This includes a quick CBD mini facial massage (massage, gua sha, or facial cupping) to de-puff and tighten your skin, nutritional recommendations to enhance your skin concerns, customized exercises, and a customized herbal consultation.
Recommend weekly or bi-weekly sessions for 12 weeks to maximize your results. Maintenance at least once a season.
What Our Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Clients Say
“Self care at 38 with three boys and a company is not easy. That is why it so important to get help. Lorena has fixed my plantar fasciitis while helping me with my stress and giving me a great alternative to Botox. Who knew so much could be done in an hour! I am truly grateful for her knowledge and skill. I would not go anywhere else!”
Shannon P.
“ I have been pain-free since meeting Lorena and have continued visiting her for some facial rejuvenation. She definitely transformed me into a woman looking and feeling 40ish, my friends will attest to this.
I believe that Lorena has a gift of healing and has been able to effectively treat all my pain issues and more. I have also found the secret fountain of youth!
There are many acupuncturists but it is rare to find one that truly is a healer, I am blessed to have found her and I will continue my treatments with her where ever she is located. I am still trying to coax her to relocate to New York City from San Diego, she has a cult following here and would be able to improve many lives with her many skills. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a skilled professional acupuncturist and healer if you find yourself in San Diego.”
Add Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture to Your Session